Read more about the ASPIRE program here.
Congratulations to undergraduate researcher Matt Angelico (BIOE, '16), who was just notified that he is a recipient of the UMD ASPIRE Scholarship for 2015 summer research! Matt received this award based on his proposal to investigate the interactions between tumor cells and other cells in the brain microenvironment (e.g., astrocytes and microglia) during metastasis to the brain. Congratulations to Matt!!!
Read more about the ASPIRE program here. Dr. Stroka was invited to join UMD's Biophysics Program!
Read more about the Biophysics Program here. Kelsey was recently highlighted on the Department website for her selection as Fischell Fellow!4/11/2015
Kelsey Gray has been selected as the 2014 winner of the Fischell Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering from the Fischell Department of Bioengineering! This is a 5-year, full fellowship, and her selection was announced at the 2014 Fischell Festival.
A quote from Kelsey from the news story: “My plan is to use a minimalistic and interdisciplinary approach to develop model systems that reduce costs and maximize feasibility so technologies are widely accessible and applicable to a large number of scenarios. Use of model systems provides minimized in vivo work—which is often expensive and time-consuming—allowing for resource conservation and shorter development times, with the hope of increasing the drug discovery rate and availability to patients in need,” Gray said, adding that multidisciplinary research teams are key in bridging the science and engineering gap. Read the full story here. A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Kelsey!!! Kelsey Gray has been awarded an "Honorable Mention" for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Congratulations, Kelsey!
December 2024