Last spring, Kelsey won second place in UMD's 3 Minute Thesis competition. Her talk is now posted on You Tube! Check it out here. Congratulations again, Kelsey!
PhD student Kelsey Gray was recently one of several graduate students from across UMD to participate in the new GradTerp Exchange, a monthly series where graduate students and postdocs can share their research with a broad audience. Read the article here.
The Stroka lab had great representation at the annual BMES Meeting in Atlanta last week! PhD students Kelsey, Marina, and Becca presented talks, and undergraduate student Thea Ornstein (BIOE '19) presented 2 posters (one on research from our lab and from from her REU research in Robert Mauck's lab at UPenn last summer). PhD student Ariana DeCastro also presented a talk in the design competition with her Capstone Team from Virginia Commonwealth University, and undergraduate student Neal Kewalramani presented a poster from his REU research in Stephanie Fraley's lab at UCSD. Congrats and great job to all!
Dr. Stroka was co-chair of the Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Track, and our own department chair Dr. John Fisher co-chaired the entire meeting. Below is undergraduate student Thea Ornstein with her poster. Congratulations to PhD student Becca Moriarty, whose paper on the effects of physical confinement on sarcoma cell division was just accepted for publication in the journal Cell Cycle! Link to article is here. Great job, Becca!
November 2024