We are excited that our paper titled, "The multifaceted role of aquaporins in physiological cell migration" has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology! Congrats to first author, Ian Smith, a PhD student in the lab!
Dr. Ariana DeCastro, who defended her PhD dissertation this spring, was hooded by Dr. Stroka today at the Clark School graduate commencement ceremony! Huge congratulations to Ariana!
Stroka lab undergrads Hiya Sawhney (left below, graduated in December 2022) and Allison Moses (right below, '23) walked at commencement today! Congrats to both of you! Hiya is currently a postbac researcher at the NIH and is in the process of applying to MD/PhD programs. Allison will be pursuing her PhD in Bioengineering (here at UMD!) starting this fall... we are thankful that we don't have to say good-bye!
Congratulations to undergraduate researcher, Esha Chopra, who has received the MTech ASPIRE Award! This award will fund her research in our lab this summer. Thanks so much to MTech for their support!
Congratulations to undergraduate researcher, Nikka Givpoor, whose research this summer will be supported through an NIH REU supplement on the lab's MIRA grant! A huge thanks to the NIH/NIGMS for their support! Nikka also received the MTech ASPIRE Award for this summer (congrats, Nikka!) but declined it due to receiving the REU award.
December 2024