Congratulations to Dr. Ajmeeta Sangtani, who was hooded at today's graduate school commencement ceremony! Ajmeeta completed her dissertation research in Dr. Jim Delehanty's lab at the Naval Research Lab and was co-advised by Dr. Stroka. Great job, Ajmeeta, and best of luck in the USC-Allergan Fellowship in the School of Pharmacy!
Dr. Stroka gave a talk on the lab's work at this year's University of Maryland Greenebaume Comprehensive Cancer Center (UMGCCC) Cancer Imaging Retreat. Thanks to Giuliano Scarcelli (UMD BIOE) and Rao Gullapalli (UMB) for the invitation!
Congratulations to Becca Moriarty, who successfully completed her PhD proposal today and officially advanced to PhD candidacy! Great job, Becca!
We have been approved for funding through a Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund Discovery Grant to explore the mechanobiology of iPSC-derived brain microvascular endothelial cells! Thank you, MSCRF!
Congratulations to co-first authors Mary Doolin (PhD candidate and F31 fellow) and Thea Ornstein (undergraduate student and HHMI fellow) whose paper has been accepted for publication in the journal Cells! This paper, titled, "Nuclear Deformation in Response to Mechanical Confinement is Cell Type Dependent," will be included as an invited contribution to the upcoming special issue on "Frontiers in Cytoskeleton Research - From Development to Disease," guest edited by Dr. Bor Luen Tang. Great job, team!
Read the paper here. |
December 2024