Kelsey was recently selected to receive the Graduate School's "Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award" for her research, teaching, mentorship, and outreach contributions. This award conveys the honor of being named in the top 2% of Graduate Assistants campus-wide this year. Congratulations, Kelsey!
Undergraduate researcher Erica Brown (BIOE, '18) was chosen for an ASPIRE Fellowship for her Summer 2016 research! This award will allow her to continue the research she began this semester, which was supported by a Spring 2016 ASPIRE Fellowship. Congratulations, Erica!
Dr. Stroka was awarded this year's Fischell Department of Bioengineering "Outstanding Graduate Alumni Award" at the 10th Annual Fischell Festival this week! Thank you to the department and all of my mentors for providing me with so many wonderful opportunities throughout my academic journey!
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Fischell Department of Bioengineering, which was celebrated tonight at the Annual Fischell Festival. We give a huge thank you to the entire Fischell Family and all those who support the department! At the event, Dr. Stroka gave a short talk about the lab's research, along with the other assistant professors.
Undergraduate researcher Dani Khalilzadeh (BIOE, '17) was recently chosen to receive a Maryland Summer Scholars Award for her Summer 2016 Undergraduate Honors thesis research! This award follows her SEEDS/WIE Fellowship that has supported her research over the past academic year. Congratulations, Dani!
December 2024